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PEERS® for Teens & Young Adults Social Skills Group for Teens & Young Adults presented by Hope 4 Autism.


Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills for Autistic Teens and Adults

This is an intensive 16-week program. Parent participation is required. In-person / virtual classes available. Partial scholarships are available.

​Course Content:

Conversational skills

How to enter and exit conversations

Electronic communication

Using humor appropriately

Organizing get-togethers

Being a good sport

Dating Etiquette (young adults only)

Handling disagreements

Changing a bad reputation

Handling teasing and bullying

Participation Requirements

Autism Spectrum Disorder or similar diagnosis with an IQ of 70 and above

Have friendship problems

Young adults ages 13-18 / 18-35 years old

Young adults must be interested in attending the program

Young adults must consistently attend the program

Young adults must voluntarily agree to participate in the program

Young adults must have a consistent social coach willing to attend the program each week

Young adults need to be able to sit through 90 minutes of instruction without distraction

​For more information or to sign up for the waiting list contact Luann @ 573.664.1711 or email

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